WWW: Good well structured approach to the questions.
EBI: Lacks detailed examples from the OSPs or enough named theorists.
2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify five specific aspects from Figure 1 (the Google Home advert) that you could have mentioned in your answer (e.g. selection of image, framing and focus, colour, text etc.)
- Talk about colour (browns, oranges, sunlight from left hand side creates a warmth feelings)
- Talk about google being represented as unthreatening, safe and a natural part of middle-class family.
- Reinforces white, western, middle-class representation of family life
- Repetition of the word home may make audiences feel unsafe where multinational capitalist giants like Google can find them anywhere.
- Some audiences may reject the stereotypical gender roles with the mother playing with 2 kids at home where the father is not in shot (presumably at work)
3) Now use the mark scheme to identify three potential points that you could have made in your essay for Question 2 (Hesmondhalgh - narrow range of values and ideologies).
- Talk about the relationship between recent technological change and dominant ideologies in teh digital media landscape.
- Teen Vogue also replicates a lot of the mainstream hegemonic values and ideologies found in the magazine.
- Teen Vogue is owned by Conde Nast but still release stories about Capitalism which may suggest Teen Vogue being hypocritical.
4) Use your exam response, the mark scheme and any other resources you wish to use to write a detailed essay plan for Question 2. Make sure you are planning at least five well-developed paragraphs in addition to an introduction and conclusion.
- Make a choice, yes they do or no they don't.
- Talk about the industry, the role of the cultural industries in society and the effects media products can impact on audiences.
- Link recent technological change and media production, distribution and circulation.
Para 1:
- Talk about the relationship between recent technological change and dominant ideologies in the digital media landscape.
- The different values and ideologies are constructed through different media products.
Para 2:
- Teen Vogue focus
- Clay Shirky 'End of Audience'
- Audiences are now producers
- Include some of the stories from Teen Vogue that support the above bullet point
Para 3:
- The other side of the argument
- Teen Vogue still reinforce many of the mainstream hegemonic values and ideologies
- This includes things such as conforming to the traditional eurocentric beauty standards
- Teen Vogue being hypocritical by talking about capitalism yet they are owned by Conde Nast which is a major global media conglomerate.
Para 4:
- The Voice gives audiences specifically black British perspectives of news in the UK.
- Mention some stories that that show the black British news
- This goes against the given statement of the cultural industries having a narrow range of values and ideologies
Para 5:
- The Voice should be successful since they offer a completely different perspective compared to mainstream news
- The lack of presentation of their website (includes design and grammar)
- Add in theorists like Paul Gilroy
- Revert back to opinion
- Brief explanation as to why you believe so
5) Finally, identify three key areas you plan to revise from the OSP unit (CSP aspects or theories) having looked at your feedback from this assessment.
- Theorists
- Theories
- More research into the actual content of Teen Vogue and The Voice
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